Proposal for application type

"Travel planning and management"

-CNET/CCETT application proposal-

We propose here an application for FIPA. This application is named " travel planning and management ".

1. Scenario

The basic scénario is the following :

The user queries his " personal assistant " via natural language (voice recognition and/or typed text:

" I must meet M. Kane from Rosebud company in New-York the 29 of september in the afternoon. Plan me a trip for this appointement. "

The system (PDA plus network-based applications) is expected to take the following actions :

2. Application components

3. Benefits from agent technology

3.1. Features

The above exemple is mean to demonstrate the following agent capacities :

3.2. Remark

Of course all the above items can be separately build with non-agent technology. It is our conviction that the use of agent technology and inter-agent communication protocols gives us the only mean for building large (i.e. commercial) systems of services in a modular way.

The advantage of modularity is well-know : it allows "plug-in" software, and painless extension of capabilities. For instance, if the PDA is build on agent technology, an additional software component (natural language interface ...) can be inserted and used without difficulty (just like a web-browser plug-in).

3.3. Type of actions

We can classify the above described features into a set of properties.

 Property  Feature
 combination of services  horizontal and vertical brokering
 constrained requests user profiling
 personalization id.
 time-constraints  time-limit on request
 speech reconigition user interface
 test recognition  id.
 conditional action  ex : "notify me if plane if delayed"
 notification  id.
 learning  automatic user profiling
 security and confidentiality  bank transaction

 bank transaction, authentication of mobile agents,..

 research action directory services (trading)

Authors and Adresses

Alain Léger,: CCETT dept AMS/ARM
4, rue du Clos Courtel, BP 59, 35512 CESSON-SÉVIGNÉ cedex -- FRANCE
tel+33 99 12 42 23/ fax +33 99 12 40 98 (before october 18, 1996)
tel+33 (0)2 99 12 46223/ fax +33 (0)2 99 12 40 98 (after october 18, 1996)
Henry Thomas : CCETT dept AMS/ARM
4, rue du Clos Courtel, BP 59, 35512 CESSON-SÉVIGNÉ cedex -- FRANCE
tel+33 99 12 46 23/ fax +33 99 12 40 98 (before october 18, 1996)
tel+33 (0)2 99 12 46 23/ fax +33 (0)2 99 12 40 98 (after october 18, 1996)
Thierry Bouron,
Technopole Anticipa, 2 av. Pierre Marzin, 22307 LANNION -- FRANCE
tel +33 96 05 14 82 (before october 18, 1996)
tel +33 (0)2 96 05 14 82 (before october 18, 1996)
David Sadek,
Technopole Anticipa, 2 av. Pierre Marzin, 22307 LANNION -- FRANCE
tel +33 96 05 14 82 (before october 18, 1996)
tel +33 (0)2 96 05 14 82 (before october 18, 1996)