A message is implemented as an instance of message
class or its
subclass. Note that the name of message classes is interned in the
Class: message
is the root class for a message class. Every message
class definition should have this class as an ancestor.
Macro: define-message-class class ([ super ]) ({ slot-decl }*) &rest options
slot-decl ::= (slot-name [:type
type ]) | slot-name options ::= (:documentation
The message class class is defined with its super class
super. If super is not specified, message
assumed. type specifies the data type of a slot. However, this
information is not utilized at all in the current Lisp version.
(define-message-class announcement () ((specification :type string) (expiration :type integer)))
Note: The name of a message class and its slot names are interned in the
Function: create-message class receiver sender &rest slot-values
slot-values ::= { slot-name value }*
This function returns a message object, which is an instance of the
class class. receiver specifies the name of a receiver
agent or a wild-card (*
) in case of broadcast. sender
specifies the name of the sender. slot-name is a keyword (a
symbol starting with :
(create-message 'announcement "*" "ME" :specification "TASK1" :expiration 3003044053)
Generic Function: send-message message &rest args
Primary Method: send-message (message message
) &rest ignored
Primary Method: send-message (class symbol
) receiver sender &rest slot-values
When a message object (a CLOS instance) is passed to this method,
message is actually sent. When a class name (a symbol) is passed
as the first argument, the arguments are applied to the
function, and the returned message is actually
sent. This method returns the message sent.
Function: get-message-sender message
This function returns the sender of message.
Function: get-message-slot-value message slot-name
This function returns the value of the slot slot-name of message. If such a slot does not exist, an error is signaled.
Note: Since a message is implemented as an instance of a CLOS class,
can be used to access a slot of a message. However, this is not encouraged, since the slot-name is interned in a special package;get-message-slot-value
uses the appropriate package.